Health Lab Tests

Basic Heart Health Panel:

  •  Lipid Panel
  • CBC
  • CMP
  • Homocysteine
  • HS-C Reactive Protein

Lipid Panel

Lipid Panel is a group of tests (LDL, HDL, and Total. Triglyceride) that are used as a part of general assessment to determine risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Lipids are varies of fat in the body and essential substances for cells and sources of energy. This is test measured overall cholesterol level in the body.
Total Cholesterol measures total cholesterol in all the lipoprotein particles.
HDL – High Density Lipoprotein – Good Cholesterol because its transport excessive cholesterol in the liver where produces a metabolic process.
LDL – Lower Density Lipoprotein is a Bad Cholesterol can be causes of atherosclerosis because the plagues what formed and deposits inside of the vessels to make the vessels narrow to contribute cardiovascular disease.
Triglycerides – measures all of the triglycerides in all of the particles.

How do I prepare for this test?
Fasting is required for this test 8-12 hours

Why I having this test?
To determine and assess risks of cardio coronary disease.

What does this test mean?
This test is helpful to determine individuals overall risks of Cardio Vascular Disease and if necessary a health provider will develop a plan of treatment.
The Hemocysteine is a non-protein a-amino acid that essential to determine a cardiac risk level to have heart attack, stroke. The hemocysteine test may order to determine if a person has a VitB12 or Foliate acid deficiency. Practitioner may recommend this test for patients with signs and symptoms of poor nutrition.

In cases of VitB12 and Foliate acid deficiency the hemocystein level may be elevated.
The studies show that individuals with an elevated hemocysteine level have much more possibilities have a cardiovascular disease as an atherosclerosis, heart attacks, a stroke or thrombophlebitis.
Cause of the hemocysteine is a gene mutation, family history of early atherosclerosis, obesity, and individuals’ diet. Hemocysteine level can increase with an age, smoking history, using drugs. Hemocysteine level in women are lower than in men after reaching menopause due to lower production of estrogen.

Blood Type & Rh-Factor

The blood type test and RH-Factor is detected in individuals’ a blood type according to presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red cells. This test will indicate a specific type of blood: A, AB, B, O. The RH-Factor is classified as Rh-positive or Rh-negative are essential and valuable to allow determine a presence or absence of RH antibodies in the blood.

What is the result mean?

Will identify the blood type and Rh-Factor.

How do I prepare for this test?

This test doesn’t specify any preparations.

Why am I having this test?

To eliminate any blood mismatches during transfusion due to cause severe reactions to lead life-threating.

The Hs-CRP Test

The Hs-CRP Test is a major blood test to help evaluate individuals in a high risk of cardiovascular disease. C-reactive protein is a protein that an increased in the blood with inflammation, bacterial infections, traumas, rheumatic fever, acute arthritis, and post-surgery state. A relatively low level of inflammation plays a major role in an atherosclerosis, which is often associated with cardiovascular disease.

How do I prepare for this test?
There is not specified to be fasting except if this test align with the Lipid Panel assay.

Why have I do this test?
High sensate C-reactive protein is used to evaluate the risk factor of heart attack, stroke in relatively healthy individuals where Cholesterol within acceptable range.

What does this test mean?
Helping to predict an increased risk of a future heart attack, stroke, a peripheral arterial disease even when a cholesterol level are within an acceptable range.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel is a panel of 14 tests that gives practitioners essential information about individual current condition kidneys, liver, metabolism, electrolyte and acid-base balance, glucose and proteins. Based on the range of the lab results a doctor will order a particular test to confirm or rule out a suspected diagnosis.

Glucose – is a major source of energy for the most body cells and includes brain cells a blood glucose measures the amount of a type of sugar, called glucose. Fasting Blood Glucose 9FBS) measures blood glucose after individuals have not eat at least 8 hours.
Postprandial blood sugar measures blood glucose exactly 2 hours after you start eating.

Calcium – is often ordered as part of the routine health screening or indicates any underlying causes of health conditions. To diagnose and monitor conditions that related to the heart, bones, kidney, malabsorption, parathyroid disorder. When the test result is an abnormal a practitioner ordered the specific additional test to have evaluate for underlying causes, an additional tests are often ordered.
Albumin – is one of the major proteins made in the liver and keeping fluid from leaking from vessels and transfers vitamins, hormones and drugs through a body. An abnormal level of albumin In the bloodstream may indicate diseases or disorders liver, kidney. For final evaluation the suspected diagnosis a health care practitioner will order additional tests.

Total protein – the total serum protein tests measures the amount of total proteins in a blood. There includes two major groups of proteins as albumin and globulin.
Globulin made up from different proteins called alpha, beta, and gamma types. Some globulin made by the liver, while others are made up an immune system. Certain globulin binds with hemoglobin, other globulin transport iron, and help to fight with infection.

Electrolytes – our body includes calcium (Ca2), sodium (Na), bicarbonate (HCO3), potassium (K+), magnesium(Mg2+) … Electrolytes regulate our nerve and muscle function, hydration, blood pH, blood pressure, and rebuilding of damaged tissue, imbalance (acidosis or alkalosis).

Out of the normal range electrolytes level may produce follow symptoms:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Weakness
  • Bone disorders
  • Twitching
  • Blood pressure changes
  • Seizures
  •  Numbness
  • Muscles spasm

The Complete Blood Count (CBC)

CBC Test is ordered as a part of general screening to help determine or diagnose conditions such as anemia, infection, inflammation, bleeding disorders, and cancer. Red Blood Cells are produced in the bone marrow and they carry oxygen to the organs, tissues, cells, and remove carbon dioxide from blood stream and transport it to the lungs. The life spam for RBC is about 120 days, and they are continuously renewed and replaced by they time. Out of the range lab result may determine a condition as Anemia, Congenital heart disease, Kidney tumor, Lungs disease.

White Blood Cells – the affected number of WBC relatively reflects conditions as infection, virus, bacteria, allergy, immune disorder, inflammation, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Platelets – plays important role in a coagulation process, if is elevated numbers leads to forming clots. The decrease number thrombocytes relatively related with increase risk of bleeding.

What is result mean?
CBC test ordered as part of routine screening to assess a health state, and if result abnormal to determine underlining causes.

Why am I having this test?
CBC test used as part of annual check up, or individual has symptoms and signs suggested about some disorders.

How do I prepare for this test?
This test not specify any preparation.

Immunization Panel/Titers

The immunization panel includes the 3 most commonly required titer/ immunity tests:

  • Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Antibodies IGG
  • MMR Immunity Profile:
    Measles /rubeola/, Mumps, /parotitis/, Rubella /German measles/
  • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
  •  QuantiFERON(R) TB Gold blood test is used to detect of presence Mycobacterium tuberculosis which causes tuberculosis TB

Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) IGG

The varicella-Zoster Virus can be causes two diseases as chickenpox (varicella) and shingles (herpes zoster). Chickenpox was a common contamination childhood disease that produced itchy blisters but rarely caused serious problems. However, adults who did not have the disease in his childhood, it maybe causes of more serious complications.

Shingles is a caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. Once you have had a chickenpox, the Varicella-Zoster Virus lies dormant in your nervous system and can reactivate as shingles.
A positive result indicates that patient has antibody to VZV but not able to differentiate between an active or past infection. Doctor may diagnose base on the presence clinical symptoms and signs. This test reliable measures immunity due to previously infection but may not be detected antibodies coming from vaccinations.

is a most abundant types of antibody is found in all body fluids and protects from bacteria and viral infections. The antibodies are the proteins made up by immune system to fight antigens bacteria, viruses, and toxins. The body makes different immunoglobulin to fight with different antigens. IGG detects in the body prior exposure.

is a most common antibodies in the body to fight bacteria, viruses and toxins.

Rubella /German Measles/
is a highly infections diseases caused by rubella viruses. The infection can spread from person to person through contact with droplets from an infected person’s. Symptoms of this disease are fever, swollen lymph nodes, and runny nose, grayish –white spots with bluish-white centers in the mouth inside of the checks and throat, conjunctivitis, dry hacking cough. Symptoms appear about 9-11 days after initial symptoms, and person becomes highly contaminates before appearance of symptoms. It can be a serious condition in pregnant women, as it may cause congenital rubella syndrome in the fetus.
A positive test reveals that person has antibodies to measles virus. The test not differentiates between an active or past infection, an interpretation of diagnosis according signs and symptoms a patient.

is an antibody produced by B cells. It is the largest antibody and first antibody to respond an initial exposure to antigen. The IGM present in the body with current or recent infection, and can evaluate on the false positive test results.

QuantiFeron TB Gold blood test.

This test result used to help evaluates false positive TB Skin Test /Mantoux/. TB is highly communicable disease and main purpose of this test to diagnose the latent stage, which required a medical treatment.

Anemia Panel

  • Ferritin
  • Hematocrit
  • Hemoglobin (Hb)or(Hgb)
  • Platelet Count Cell (RBC)
  • White Blood Cell (WBC)
  • Iron
  • Total Iron – Binding Capacity (TIBC)
  • Folic acid / Foliate
  • Vitamin B12


Ferritin is one of a major test that practitioners’ orders to determine an iron deficiency. A ferritin is a blood cell protein is depositing in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. If a level of ferritin becomes low it indicates that individual’s has an iron deficiency.


Hematocrit test is a part of routine follow up. The test may be used to screening for: diagnosis, or monitor number conditions and diseases that affect the proportion of the blood made up of red blood cells. A hematocrit used to diagnose the severity of anemia:
Low RBCs,
Low hemoglobin,
Low hematocrit.
Other condition, such as, high level of RBCs, high hemoglobin, hematocrit level.
Monitor the response the treatment of anemia.

Hemoglobin (HB) (Hgb)

Hemoglobin is a blood test used to measure the several conditions:

  • Anemia
  • Monitor to response on treatment of anemia or polycythemia
  • Help for practitioners’ to determine the proper treatment or have a proper treatment plan

Hemoglobin is complex protein in red cell that carries oxygen from lungs to tissues, and brings back dioxide carbon from tissues to lungs. RBCs produces in the bone marrow and may cause an increase or decrease in the number of mature RBCs.

Other condition may affect life span RBCs, for instance, if destruction of RBC increased and bone marrow does not able to produce sufficient number of RBC fast enough, consequently the number of RBC and hemoglobin will drop as result anemia.

To discover the underlining causes of iron deficiency a practitioner’s will order additional tests.

Red Blood Cell

Red Blood Cell is an essential blood test, there is practitioners may measure the number of red cell in bloodstream. The red cell contains valuable hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to tissues. The out of range result could be useful tool to diagnose individual’s with certain diseases and disorders

White Blood Cell

White Blood Cell is important blood test to count leukocytes in the individual’s bloodstream. These cells are first defenders from infections, viruses, and bacteria.
Abnormal range white cell may reveal presence of certain disorders as congenital, cancer, immune or autoimmune disorders and underlying conditions. Leucocyte produces in bone marrow and knows several different types of WBCs.


The serum Iron or Iron Fe is a blood test that determines the level of iron in a bloodstream. Iron is an essential part of hemoglobin, and other proteins, which carries oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs. In the case of iron deficiency practitioner ordered serum ferritin and TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity) It can be several causes develop to iron deficiency:

  • Not enough iron consume
  • Inability to digest properly
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Absorption of iron not taken in intestine
  • Growing rapidly

On the other hand, excessive observation of iron can lead to progressive accumulation iron and damage liver, heart and pancreas.

Total Iron Binding Capacity /TIBC/

An essential blood test has help indicate a presence of iron deficiency or iron overloading. A health care provider’s are frequently ordered Iron blood test along with Ferritin and Transferrin. Those two tests are so essential to calculate the transferrin saturation. In iron deficiency the iron level becomes low, TIBC is elevated, and transferrin saturation becomes too low. If the iron overloading, the iron level in blood becomes elevated, TIBC is low or normal, and transferrin saturation to increase.

Folic Acid /Vitamin B-9/

This is a blood test to relieve a level of folic acid. The folic acid is a vitamin B group and essential in DNA synthesis, producing red cells, and crucial for healthy pregnancy. Study shows that sufficient level folic acid may reduce risk of breast, cervical, liver cancers. Decreased 55% risk of cardiovascular disease, make to positively impact homocysteine level. Folic acid is absorbed in small intestine and stored in liver. Human body doesn’t produce folic acid and make it to consuming leafy, beans, liver, spinach and asparagus.

Cyanocobalamin /Vitamin B12/

Vitamin B12 test used to screen for and detect deficiency in people symptomatic and asymptomatic symptoms, and used for those who have conditions that leads at them at risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency. This may include individuals with vegetarian, vegan diets, or persons with a limited or inadequate diet, and after gastric bypass surgery. Decreased concentrations are seen in individuals with megablastic, pernicious anemia, and certain congenital and biochemical disorders. This is blood test result used to determine B12 deficiency and evaluate the proper treatment plan.